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Girls in Robotics (GiR) are being encouraged to STAY AWAKE as they close Term 2, 2023

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

A big thank you to our Operations Director, Natasha for thoughtfully designing and implementing this initiative - #STAYAWAKE. The objective of the event is all about influencing our GiRs to be present mentally, emotionally and physical as they pursue their dreams of becoming future leaders in STEM education.

The event runs at the end of every term to celebrate the girls achievements for the quarter, to connect them with global women leaders in STEM, to provide mentorship, and to strengthen the girls connections' to one another as allies and sisters.

A big thank you to @Tech Women's family of mentors and mentees for always being ready to connect with our girls. We are also thankful to our local friends from @SANSA and @SARAO for making this event extra special with your presence.

We value you for engaging with our girls on this day Meg Gordon, Lori Kahn, Jola Ilori, Dr. Joyful Elma Mdhluli, Wunmi Olothu, Samantha Salimu, and our beloved Ms. Geologist - Sarah Fakhry , Nthabiseng Moloi, and Nomusa Keninda.

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